20 random bookmarks

stuff me collect


Reposted 204.

ntfy.sh | Push notifications to your phone or desktop via PUT/POST


ntfy is a simple HTTP-based pub-sub notification service. It allows you to send notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer, and/or using a REST API.

curl \
  -d "Backup successful 😀" \

Free notifications!



Testcontainers - Unit tests with real dependencies


Testcontainers is an open source library for providing throwaway, lightweight instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers, or just about anything that can run in a Docker container.



Timezones are weird. But only finitely so


I’m gonna show you some weird timezones. In fact, the weirdest timezones.
To learn how their weirdness is represented in software, we’ll look at the raw timezone files that all software ultimately relies on.



No More Alarm Clocks


I’ve completely eliminated the alarm clock from my morning routine for about six months. The biggest impacts it's had on my life are: I’ve become a morning person. I wake up feeling great and feel less sleepy during the day.


Reposted 162.

Buckwheat Tea


Из гречки можно чай делать...


Reposted 158.

Викиучебник:Кулинарная книга — Викиучебник

Reposted 157.

Бомж-туризм — Викиучебник



Reposted 152.

Every productivity thought I've ever had, as concisely as possible - Alexey Guzey


A - The task requirements and goals might not be clear enough. If you are trying to get yourself to “plan for a project” or “write a book” then it’s hard to identify the next actionable items. Put some time aside to figure out what physical things you can do to move the project forward. Try break down the larger tasks into the smallest pieces possible. The goal of the project might need identifying, or the requirements fleshed out from a supervisor.

B - The task might exceed your current competency. Sometimes we know what we have to do, but don’t know how to do it, and then we become avoidant rather than admitting this. In this case, it’s worth figuring out what you do know how to do and what you don’t know how to do, and be honest with that. Then slowly ask for help or read up on the things you don’t know.

C - The tasks might really not be worth it. Sometimes you are assigned tasks that don’t actually help you achieve your long-term goals, and so your brain demotivate you from doing them. Maybe the payoff is low, maybe you don’t learn anything new from them, or maybe a colleague you don’t like will gain credit for the tasks, or maybe you just wont be rewarded or appreciated for getting the tasks done.


Reposted 146.



Баунс читает Кафку.

Would you love me if I became a worm?, somebody could ask. I would respond that no, I don't in fact love you, for you are a worm.

Indeed I find humans more valuable.


Reposted 140.



Yon is a little UI for knowledge designed to be used every day. Add your notes, write your diary, and connect thoughts with bidirectional links. Explore your text through an acme-inspired interface to dive deep or go wide and always find your way back. Yon code and your notes are contained in a single standalone html file with no dependency, so that you can open the lid and tweak any part of it and make it your own.



Выгорание - личный опыт и пошаговая инструкция по приведению себя в порядок за 24 часа

  • 17:00 - 20:00 - отпустить тормоза. Избегайте наркотиков, но в остальном дайте себе полный карт-бланш в том, что вы себе обычно не позволяете.

  • 20:00 - 22:00 - прислушайтесь к своим чувствам. Включите музыку, побейте грушу, посидите в тишине. У каждого свой метод. На этом этапе важно дать волю эмоциям.

  • 22:00 - 7:00 - сон. Чем дольше, тем лучше. Но важно не валяться, если вы уже проснулись.

  • 07:00 - 10:00 - уборка. Чем больше вы выкинете или подарите кому-то, тем лучше. Делайте это с предельной жестокостью.

  • 10:00 - 13:00 - спорт, массаж, баня (безусловно можно сочетать). Помните о том, что здесь важно почувствовать тело. Вернуться в реальность через ощущения и движения.

  • 13:00 - 14:30 - десять дел. Важно не делать больше, не делать сложного, но использовать этот метод для разгона внутреннего генератора и перевода его в созидательное русло.

  • 14:30 - 17:00 - потоковое творчество. От футбола до рисования. Это очень индивидуально. Принципиально важно на этом этапе создать что-то свое, вернуть вкус творчества и игры.


Reposted 117.

Как правильно работать с убеждениями


Вывели с клиентом универсальную «инструкцию к терапии». На случай, если кому-то это нужно. Как часто и бывает, у него была популярная мечта сначала что-то поменять в голове, а потом зажить по-новому.

Reposted 115.

GitHub - martinvonz/jj: A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful


A guide to home row mods


What are home row mods? What is a mod-tap? What settings do you need to use? What are the alternatives? And more in this article...


I don't think home row mods are a good idea.

I use home row mods for several month, the only downside is a need for a separate layer without mods for gaming


Reposted 89.

XXIIVV — deliberate


Similarly, one might begin to talk instead of watching talk-shows and to play instead of watching game shows — To value the entire spectrum of sensations as necessary members of the whole that is the deliberate existence, with its potential for failure, awkwardness, loneliness, harm and death included.



D3 in Depth



Reposted 74.

Кейс: идеальная тележка для Пятёрочки


История о том, как наше Бюро проектировало лучшую тележку для торговых сетей группы X5



Calculus Made Easy




A Society That Lost Focus


Simply do the math. If you have 180 friends on Facebook, which seems to be a low amount those days, if your friends take, on average, 10 days of vacation per year, you will have, on average, five friends on vacation every day. Add to this statistic that some people like to re-post pictures of old vacations and it means that you will be bombarded daily by pictures of sunny beaches and beautiful landscapes while you are waiting under neon light for your next boring meeting in a gray office. By design, Facebook makes you feel miserable.

Our mind, not the technology, is the bottleneck. We need to care about our minds. To dedicate time to think slowly and deeply.



GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery
