20 random bookmarks
stuff me collect
stuff me collect
I’ve completely eliminated the alarm clock from my morning routine for about six months. The biggest impacts it's had on my life are: I’ve become a morning person. I wake up feeling great and feel less sleepy during the day.
Сборник различных сценариев автоматизации и справочных материалов
Есть инструкция для почтового сервиса в кластере
This is a card game for teaching kids how to combine unix commands through pipes.
Focus on what fascinates you, even if it’s uncharacteristic.
There is no purpose because there is no line connecting moments in time.
There is no plot.
You are not a story.
Want to read and reflect somewhere on every chapter one day...
How to remember that i want it?
27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion. Many books believe they know how you should live. But each book disagrees with the next. In “How to Live”, each chapter believes it knows how you should live. And each chapter disagrees with the next.
Эту статью я пишу во многом для нескольких друзей, которые решили приобщиться к этому тренду, и здесь будет обзор моего личного self hosted - про всякие разные штуки, которые показались полезны лично мне, и плотно заняли своё место на моём домашнем сервере.
Вывели с клиентом универсальную «инструкцию к терапии». На случай, если кому-то это нужно. Как часто и бывает, у него была популярная мечта сначала что-то поменять в голове, а потом зажить по-новому.
One of my favorite tools on the internet. I love the design! The person behind it: https://pketh.org/archives/ seems cool as well. They also worked on Glitch.
LSP-AI is an open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality, designed to assist and empower software engineers, not replace them
The emerging golden age of home-cooked software, barefoot developers, and why the local-first community should help build it
Space Explorer
A *web site* search engine, instead of a web page centered one!
Create an infinite amount of straightforward and readable git manual pages.
Service that generates random man pages mocking Git’s dense documentation style.
Interactive introduction to grep with real-world use cases.
Set of tools to be installed on every your server, because if something goes down there might be no way and/or time to install it anymore
The bicycle, as we know it today, was not invented until the late 1800s. Here are some theories about why
Simply do the math. If you have 180 friends on Facebook, which seems to be a low amount those days, if your friends take, on average, 10 days of vacation per year, you will have, on average, five friends on vacation every day. Add to this statistic that some people like to re-post pictures of old vacations and it means that you will be bombarded daily by pictures of sunny beaches and beautiful landscapes while you are waiting under neon light for your next boring meeting in a gray office. By design, Facebook makes you feel miserable.
Our mind, not the technology, is the bottleneck. We need to care about our minds. To dedicate time to think slowly and deeply.