9 bookmarks for 2024-07-02

Reposted 119.

gglanzani/betulon: A simple utility to add Mastodon bookmarks to https://betula.mycorrhiza.wiki/

Reposted 118.

Oatmeal - Blogroll

Reposted 117.

Как правильно работать с убеждениями


Вывели с клиентом универсальную «инструкцию к терапии». На случай, если кому-то это нужно. Как часто и бывает, у него была популярная мечта сначала что-то поменять в голове, а потом зажить по-новому.

Reposted 116.

Kinopio – Thinking Canvas


One of my favorite tools on the internet. I love the design! The person behind it: https://pketh.org/archives/ seems cool as well. They also worked on Glitch.

Reposted 115.

GitHub - martinvonz/jj: A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful


A guide to home row mods


What are home row mods? What is a mod-tap? What settings do you need to use? What are the alternatives? And more in this article...


I don't think home row mods are a good idea.

I use home row mods for several month, the only downside is a need for a separate layer without mods for gaming


Some tips/opinions about self-hosting

  • make it for yourself first

  • automate the backups; prefer to edit locally and push

  • avoid SBCs (ie. RaspberryPi) and prefer PCs

  • you don't have to let everyone in

Reposted 112.

In defence of swap: common misconceptions

Reposted 111.

Yugo: the non-game by Petrit Hoxha


When a player starts a session, they are the car driver, and each person that joins is seated in one of the other three passenger seats.

Players are automatically connected via voice chat.

The radios stations are real-life internet radio streams and several of them are available in the game world.